Hello, Internet Denizen.
Lovely of you to read this, however you stumbled onto here.
I'm a simian pounding on a keyboard who uses the pseudonym "Picard" (as in Captain Picard). I've been playing games by the Chinese company Easytech for about 2 years now, and this is the latest outlet for my gaming knowledge. You're welcome to read, comment, and maybe I'll entertain guest posters.
Here's what the posting schedule will look like
Saturday and/or Sunday: European War 4 post (can be a guide, a mod, or a guide for a mod).
Monday: No post. I'll release my legacy (aka old) guides until those are all depleted. Then it's nothing to ease your Mondays with
Tuesday: Update on the week's modding projects
Wednesday: Possible update on my Scambaiting quests
Thursday: Variety post (can be an Easytech related guide or mod, a Political rant, or literally anything)
Friday: Possible collection of (mostly bad) jokes I heard or devised this week.
And so it goes.
I hope you stick with me.
By the way, I appreciate you leaving a comment, just to say hi